Guizhou - Wikipedia
Guizhou[a] is an inland province in Southwestern China. Its capital and largest city is Guiyang, in the center of the province. Guizhou borders the autonomous region of Guangxi to the south, Yunnan to the west, Sichuan to the northwest, the municipality of Chongqing to the north, and Hunan to the east. Guizhou has a humid subtropical climate.
Guizhou | Culture, Landscape & Cuisine of China | Britannica
Guizhou, sheng (province) of southwestern China. It is bounded to the north by Sichuan province and Chongqing municipality, to the east by Hunan province, to the south by the Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi, and to the west by Yunnan province. Guizhou measures more than 350 miles (560 km) from
贵州省,(Guizhou)简称“黔”或“贵”,是中华人民共和国省级行政区。 北接四川省和重庆市,东毗湖南省、南邻广西壮族自治区、西连云南省。 贵州省总面积176167平方千米。
10 Best Places To Visit in Guizhou, China - China Discovery
Endowing beautiful scenery of mountains, waters, valley views and rich in ethnic culture of multiple minority groups, Guizhou is a great place for vacation. Natural and cultural wonders spread this province in massive size and varied geography.
Guizhou Travel Guide, Chinese Ethnic Culture - China Highlights
Guizhou is a multi-minority province in Southwest China. It is located southwest of Beijing, and northwest of Guilin and Hong Kong. Guizhou is famous for its marvelous landscapes, unsophisticated ethnic customs, cultural and historical relics, and pleasant climate.
贵州省 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
贵州省,简称 贵,别称 黔,是 中華人民共和国 西南地区 的一个 省份,位于 云贵高原 东部。 省会是 贵阳市。 貴州介于东经103°36′—109°35′、北纬24°37′—29°13′之间,东毗 湖南 、南邻 广西 、西连 云南 、北接 四川 和 重庆。 全省东西长约595公里,南北相距约509公里,面积约17.6万平方公里,占中国国土面积的1.8%,共有9个地级行政区划单位,88个县级行政区划单位。 2022年常住人口约为3856.00万,贵州是一个多民族共居的省份,汉族占全省总人口的63.89%,少数民族人口占全省人口的36.11%。 素有多彩贵州之称 [3]。
Highlights of Guizhou, China’s secret southwest province
In a hidden corner of southwest China, a mountainous province remains secreted away from the travel trail. Little-known Guizhou is sandwiched in between more popular neighbours Yunnan, Sichuan and Guangxi, and rarely gets any attention.
Guizhou, China
Guizhou province in Southwest China is an ideal place for travel, investment, and living, as it features abundant natural resources, high-tech industries, a green environment, and rich ethnic culture.
Top 16 Guizhou Attractions 2025 - China Discovery
Guizhou Province situated in Southwest China is a treasurable travel destination, which has been listed at No.6 in “Top 10 Region to Visit in 2020” by Lonely Planet. Also as the new big travel destination highly recommended by CNN in 2018, Guizhou has its quite special natural, cultural and gourmet charm to attract a growing number of ...
Guizhou Travel Guide: Tour, Map, Minority Groups, Climate
Located in southwest China, this province adjoins Sichuan and Chongqing to the north, Yunnan to the west, Guangxi to the south and Hunan to the east. It is a picturesque place with abundant natural and cultural scenic spots. Many Chinese ethnic minorities have been living on this land for centuries.